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Diet - it's all worth a try!!!

Article in daiy Mail suggests

I did a bit more research around this and whilst there appears to be no'magic' formula alot of people seem to be saying the same sort of things. I've just cut and pasted extracts from these articles and given some links for you to follow. There appears to be very little proper research on this, just anecdotal stuff. No harm in trying some of it.( apart from the no sweets bit, I need chocolate!!!)

What you should eat

Pumpkins, yellow peppers and cantaloupe melons:

Orange or yellow coloured fruit and vegetables are a rich source of betacarotene - which is the precursor of vitamin A and a potent antioxidant which helps fight off highly-reactive molecules that can harm our body and lead to severe diseases such as breast cancer.

Recommended dose: Five portions a day (80 grammes per portion) to help protect against breast cancer. Between seven and ten portions a day if breast cancer has already developed.


Oily fish:

Oily fish such as mackerel, sardines, trout and salmon have all been linked to a lower incidence of breast cancer. Evidence shows that eskimos who have a high intake of oily fish have no incidence of breast cancer. This is thanks to the presence of omega-3 fats.

Recent findings have revealed that Omega-3 oils prevent or slow down the growth of cancerous tumours and also boost our immune system. This is because omega-3 oils compete with omega-6 fats (found in cooking oils which can encourage cell division) and keep cell growth under control.

Omega-3s appear to have the ability to switch off growth mechanism of cells and prevent them from dividing, and, in turn, leading to cancerous tumours.Recommended dose: Three portions of fresh oily fish each week.


Pulses, wholemeal bread and rice:

Fibre contained in pulses and wholemeal foods help excrete oestrogens out of our bodies. Too many oestrogens from our own hormones and hormone-like substances found in plastics and chemicals can trigger cell division in our breast tissue. Evidence shows that too much cell division can lead to breast cancer.

Fibre can help keep breast cancer at bay because it helps eliminate excess oestrogens from our body and prevents reabsorption of oestrogens in our intenstines.

Linseeds are a particularly good source of fibre. This is because they contain a high content of lignans which have been found to be protective against breast cancer by regulating oestrogens and reducing tumour growth in later stages.

Fibre also maintains regular bowel movement. This is because the fibre's texture helps move food through the digestive system more quickly than some other foods. It is thought higher stool weights in women indicates lower levels of circulating oestrogens - which helps protect against cell changes in our body, and in turn, from breast cancer.

A high fibre diet also helps maintain a healthy gut. This is because soluble fibres create 'friendly bacteria' needed to fight off bad bacteria - meaning that your body is less exposed to harmful toxins that could cause cancer.Recommended dose: A cupful - or around 7oz - of pulses a day.


Cabbage:,Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and kale -

all members of the cabbage family are said to be highly toxic towards cancerous cells. This is because they contain cancer-fighting compounds known as indole-3-carbinol which is thought to deactivate oestrogen, and in turn, help reduce the risk of breast cancer.

The sulphurophanes found in broccoli, which are responsible for its bitter taste, have been shown to improve the performance of enzymes in the liver which help detoxify our body. Levels of this vital enzyme are found to be low in women with breast cancer. Radishes, swede and turnips are also believed to be effective cancer fighting vegetables.

Recommended dose: Five portions a day (80 grammes per portion) to help protect against breast cancer. Between seven and ten portions a day if breast cancer has already developed.

Read more:


In the interests of balance an article from Telegraph-


Some evidence suggests mushrooms act in a similar way to breast cancer drugs called aromatose inhibitors, which blocks the body's production of the hormone oestrogen, which can encourage the development of cancer.



Tomatoes are packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that not only gives tomatoes their redness but also protects against breast cancer by stopping cancer cell growth.



  •  food to avoid -(Also in daily mail )

  • Eating one portion of a product containing full-fat milk each day could hinder survival chances

  • The hormone oestrogen found in milk and other dairy foods may encourage tumour growth, say researchers

  • This is the first study to show such a strong link between dairy products and breast cancer

Aparently milk usually comes from pregnant cows there for is higher in oestogen.

The study, carried out by Kaiser Permanente researchers and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, is one of the first of its kind to identify a link between high fat dairy consumption and poorer breast cancer survival.




Also found artcles claiming

  • Grapefruit may elevate levels of estrogen,

  • Grilling red meat creates compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCA), which drive cancers. Red meat also contains amino acids that stimulate the production of insulin and increase oxidation in the body, both of which boost cancer risk.

  • Vegetable oils, including soybean, safflower, sunflower and corn, are high in polyunsaturated fats, which increase cancer-promoting oxidation in the body.

  • A diet high in refined carbohydrates like those found in sweets is associated with higher levels of blood glucose, forcing the body to release insulin. That insulin encourages cancer cells to grow and could result in higher levels of estrogen, which may promote the development of breast cancer.



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